No, we're not crazy.
We've had a few of our creations released over the past week or so and have gotten some really lovely feedback from other people here on TSR. I do try (and I know Jalee does too) to thank people for the comments they leave, but sometimes time gets away from us.
Today is Monday--theoretically, it's a day off for me, but what does that really mean? It means my husband wakes me up at the crack of dawn to complain that there's no breakfast, and then leaves the house in a snit (I'm not complaining; he's truly adorable like that). It means I run to the grocery store, clean the house, do laundry, make dinner, and hardly have time to sit down at the computer until a few moments ago, and I decided to send a few thank you comments back to people who have commented on mine.
I click through to someone's page and am startled. Looks like I already thanked them! Hmm...
Next commenter: same story. And the next. And the next.
Am I losing my marbles? Am I so tired at this point that I've forgotten thanking these people for their lovely words?
Needless to say, I just spent a very confusing 10 minutes trying to remember what happened today. I'll spare you the details, but the conclusion is that: Jalee thanked these same people for earlier comments on her resorts.
So no, we're not crazy. If you get more than one "thank you" from us within a day's period, don't worry, it's only because there are two of us, and somehow in the 13 phone calls we average between us per day, we found other things to talk about.
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